Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It's not starting over

I will try to be very versatile here. There is so much to talk about in this world. Cars, people, faith, photos, poetry, smiles, toes, random things such as those.

For beginning. I recently moved to Texas and people like to phrase it as "Starting over". But over what? I am just continuing. It's like the game "Phase 10" where you move on to the next level. It is just the next level in the game/race of live. But I can see why they call it that-I've called it that because it is a phrase you hear so often. Anywho ya'll, I sure do like Texas. I miss Florida but Texas doesn't have hurricanes-at least not in the Dallas area where I am at.

Don't forget to sign up for free at http://www.agloco.com/r/BBBS4943 (refer to post "A New Internet Craze?...or Just Hype" in January)