Thursday, January 25, 2007


Hey check out the flash banner to the right of my blog or click this link to get there:

Even if you don't want to click on it to buy the product you should still click on it. It will bring you to my advertising page but near the bottom on the right there is a banner that says $110 per sale. If you sign up through that you can start selling Satellite systems and get paid for it. If you would sign up through the links then I will get credit for it. Thanks so much-this is very cool!! I encourage you to look it up for yourself if you don't believe it is legit. Just google this: "allsat dish affiliate, forum."

Don't forget to sign up for free at (refer to post A New-Internet Craze?...or Just Hype in January)


Robert Pope said...
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Robert Pope said...
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Robert Pope said...

Affiliate programs are nice, but to get some of the more lucrative ones I like to work with a start up. They are a little more difficult to work with, but usually pay better. Check out commision scale at 2 Bears Electronics under the career opportunities tab, and you'll see a much more generous pay structure, and you can usually get ahold of someone to talk to about your affiliate program.