Saturday, March 3, 2007

Continued...(almost) Free Trial....with Benefits! (part 2)

Please read this post (almost) Free Trial...with Benefits! If you have not already.

So I called to cancel one week after I began the trial, and they tried to get me to stay on with them.

Great fun offered to send me 4 $10 vouchers for anything I would spend money on such as gas, movies, dinner, etc. so I said okay. About 2 weeks after I called I told them I hadn’t received anything and that I just wanted to cancel it because by the time I got the voucher and sent it in for a refund it would be too late and I would have to pay the fee so they extended my free membership until April 2, 2007. Click here for the vouchers and notice that I can only use one $10 refund every 3 months. I should have figured it was some little scam like that but I can at least use one $10 voucher before I cancel my trial membership. That way I have gotten a $10 gift card to Circuit City and a $10 check and it only cost me $1 so my net payout is $19, which is not much, but it was more than I had before.

I called Traveler’s Advantage the same days as I did Great Fun (I think they are sister sites of a parent company thought not sure which one). When I tried to cancel the first week they told me they would send me a buy one flight ticket get a companion one for free. So when I didn’t receive it two weeks later I called to cancel and they extended my membership until April 2, 2007 so I have received the voucher for the free companion ticket and $20 in Exxon Mobile gas cards and only paid $1. So my net payout is $29 plus how ever much that companion ticket would be-maybe $200. We’ll see how easy it is to redeem the voucher. Click here for the flight vouchers.

I will continue to keep you posted on this deal. Write me with questions at

Don't forget to sign up for free at (refer to post A New-Internet Craze?...or Just Hype in January)

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